How Do We Shine Our Light and Stay Connected?
Never underestimate the power of your light to chase away the dark. For there are many of us out here standing together. We just have to practice, practice, practice!
Succumb to the Danger of Growth!
You too have choices to make:
What do you want to be?
What do you want to do?
What do you want to have?
Love Will Prevail
After the loss of a love, it is so easy to shut down, draw in, retreat. So easy to forget the touch, the support, the love. So easy to forget that Love is always available from Source.
Yet as Maya Angelou so profoundly reminds us, we need only trust love one more time. For today, we can trust Love – the Love of Spirit, the Universe, the One. That Love which is larger than us, all encompassing, always there, the light that never goes out. It breathes us – we are IT.
Identify and Commit to Transformative Life Changes
We talk about goals and intentions – what we want to do, but we don’t often look at what we would change. I’m going to encourage you to give yourself a great gift this year. Can you do that? Can you commit to YOU?
Quiet Your Mind: Effective Techniques to Calm Mental Chatter
Find out if you are in control of your thoughts or is it the other way around. If thinking is an addiction, then choose to break the habit.
(Whoa, thinking can be an addiction? Why does this resonate so strongly?)
How Does Craniosacral Therapy With A Biodynamic Perspective Work?
Craniosacral Therapy with a Biodynamic Perspective involves communication between client and practitioner and creating a level of safety and trust for the client. Once contact is established, the practitioner listens deeply to the fluctuations of the cerebrospinal fluid within the craniosacral system.
To Schedule a Session or for more Information
To Schedule a session today - click the button below or call us at (928) 862-4400.
We will be happy to assist you.