Guided Meditation Hiking in Sedona’s Stunning Vortex Sites

Services and Treatments

Guided Sessions

  • Guided hiking in Sedona Arizona

    Guided Hiking

    Enjoy a guided hike on a plethora of trails that surround Sedona, Arizona. Experience the beauty of Sedona with a shorter hike or spend the day in the environment learning about Sedona’s past, present, flora and fauna. Don’t miss out on experiencing the best hike of your life amongst the beauty of Sedona.

    ✔ 60 Minute Hike • $166
    ✔ 90 Minute Hike • $233
    ✔ 120 Minute Hike • $333
    ✔ 3 Hour Hike • $466

    Each Additional Person Up to 7 +$55

    Hiking Times are our best approximation based on the length and the difficulty or the hike.

    Schedule a Session

  • Guided meditation sessions on the red rocks of Sedona Arizona

    Guided Meditation

    Discover the Many Benefits of Guided Meditation

    If you are new to meditation or even if you’ve meditated for years, guided meditation is a great way to focus on a specific issue. Guided meditation can be used to: resolve problems, release the past, set intentions for a new way of being, balance all the chakras, meet your spirit guides, call in your guides for help, increase abundance consciousness, love yourself, or simply to relax and create peace in your life.

    You can also combine guided meditations with a Spiritual Intuitive Reading to get to the root cause of any issues. Meditation and an intuitive reading are very powerful allies on your healing path.

    Think about what you want to achieve and our practitioners will create a custom meditation just for you!

    We offer this Guided Meditation in two different ways.

    You can experience this as a session by yourself or as a group (Up to 4 People)

    ✔ 60 Minutes Just For You • $166
    ✔ Additional $50 Per Person (2-4)

    Schedule a Session | Practitioners: BakeR, Faye, Scott, Sara

Meditation and Classes

  • woman meditating in serene environment

    Meditation 101 - Intro to Meditation

    Introductory Package

    This package includes two unique sessions. In the first session you will learn the theory behind the practice. Whether that is Chi Ne Sung, diet and Lifestyle, Movement Meditation, Ayurvedic Theory/Techniques, or Formal Meditation. You will learn how to meditate completely and effectively and after the first 90 Minutes Theory Session you will embark on the Practice Session where you will implement all you have learned and completely immerse yourself in whatever practice you choose.

    Choose between any of the sessions to learn about and then implement what you learn.

    Chi Nei Tsung
    Diet and Lifestyle
    Ayurveda - Science of Life
    Seated/Formal Meditation

    You can let your practitioner choose what session may suit you best or you can fill out this form prior to your session so you can figure out what session is the best match for you.

    You can even mix and match what you would like to learn and what you would like to practice. You can combine one session of Chi Nei Tsung and one session of Diet/Lifestyle. You can even combine those with the meditation portions and enjoy a Chi Nei Tsung complimented by a meditation experience

    ✔ Two 90 Minutes • $444
    ✔ Mobile, Zoom, Skype Sessions Available

    Schedule a Session | Practitioner:
    Scott Weaver

  • woman sitting cross legged in meditation pose

    Intro to Meditation

    Introductory Package

    This package includes two unique sessions. In the first session you will learn the theory behind the practice. Whether that is Chi Ne Sung, diet and Lifestyle, Movement Meditation, Ayurvedic Theory/Techniques, or Formal Meditation. You will learn how to meditate completely and effectively and after the first 90 Minutes Theory Session you will embark on the Practice Session where you will implement all you have learned and completely immerse yourself in whatever practice you choose.

    Choose between any of the sessions to learn about and then implement what you learn

    Chi Nei Tsung
    Diet and Lifestyle
    Ayurveda - Science of LifeSeated/Formal Meditation

    You can let your practitioner choose what session may suit you best or you can fill out this form prior to your session so you can figure out what session is a best match for you.

    You can even mix and match what you would like to learn and what you would like to practice. You can combine one session of Chi Nei Tsung and one session of Diet/Lifestyle.

    You can even combine those with the meditation portions and enjoy a Chi Nei Tsung complimented by a meditation experience

    ✔ Two 90 Minutes • $444
    ✔ Mobile, Zoom, Skype Sessions Available

    Schedule a Session | Practitioner:
    Scott Weaver

  • woman with meditation mudra

    Intro to Meditation 2

    With this package you can dive deeper into learning as you will get two 90 Minute Theory Sessions and two 90 Minutes Practice Sessions. Each Session would follow the mode of theory and then practice. Meaning you would learn the theory behind each therapy and then learn how to implement each therapy into your life with a practice session.

    With this package we like to give you one each of the following

    Chi Nei Tsung

    Diet and Lifestyle

    Ayurveda - Science of Life

    Chinese Theory

    Choose Between

    ✔ Movement or Formal Meditation
    ✔ Practice of Either Movement or Formal Meditation
    ✔ Four 90 Minute Sessions • $888
    ✔ Mobile, Zoom, Skype Sessions Available

    Schedule a Session | Practitioner:
    Scott Weaver

  • man in grey sweatpants in meditative position

    Intro to Meditation 3

    This is the complete package!

    With everything you will need to completely change your life. If there was a blueprint for changing yourself and going forth on a new path - this package includes each step you will need to embark on your new journey.

    Enjoy 8 sessions tailored to you. You will enjoy the following sessions.

    Two 90 Minute • Bodywork Sessions integrating Chi Nei Tsung

    Two 90 Minute • Meditation Sessions with the intention of taking stock of your doshas

    One 90 Minute • Session of bringing everything together - this will include the theory of internal and external. How movement can be utilized as medicine.

    One 90 Minute • Session on the root cause and how to address/change/effect it.

    One 90 Minute• Diet/Lifestyle session which will find out where you want to be at.

    One 90 Minute • Complete Integration session which will also cover anything and everything from the previous sessions

    This package is great if you want to get the Sedona Experience and then have it follow you home as you can do may of these sessions virtually as a continued study.

    ✔Eight (8) 90 Minute Sessions • $1555
    ✔ Mobile, Zoom, Skype Sessions Available

    Schedule a Session | Practitioner:
    Scott Weaver

  • meditation the continuing education with Sedona Arizona meditation expert

    Continuing Education

    Feel free to add any of these services into your packages or take complete classes on them in your spare time virtually either through Skype or Zoom

    Chinese Philosophy

    Wu Shen (5 Spirits)

    Superfoods - what are they and how can they benefit us.

    Philosophy and the psychology of Ayurveda & Chinese philosophy

    Mechanics of Prana/Qi (Chi)

    Self Massage

    Circadian Rhythms

    ✔ Each Class/Treatment is 90 Minutes
    ✔ 90 Minutes • $222

    Schedule a Session | Practitioner: Scott Weaver

on top of Bell Rock in Sedona Arizona

Enjoy our Weekly Hiking Tours Every Saturday

Start Times

Summer • 7:00AM
Fall & Spring • 9:00AM
Winter • 11:00AM

$55 per person for a completely unique guided hike each Saturday! The location will rotate each week. Please inquire so you can be a part of the group every Saturday.

Feel free to call us at 928.862.4400 or send an email so you can be a part of this upcoming week’s hike! We limit each hiking tour to 7 individuals that way each person can fully enjoy their hike and experiece. Spaces are limited.

Hikes will range in distance and difficulty. If you would like to request a distance or difficulty level we will happily assist you.

We always recommend bringing double the water you would usually take and snacks for your hiking pleasure.

Guided Hiking in Sedona Arizona Secret Slick Rock Hike Available Today

Guided Hiking and Safety 

Guided hikes can offer a range of benefits for hikers of all levels.

  1. Safety: One of the most important benefits of a guided hike is that it can help ensure your safety while exploring the outdoors. A guide can help you navigate the trails, assess potential hazards, and provide emergency assistance if needed. This can give you peace of mind and help you enjoy your hike without worrying about the risks.

  2. Knowledge: A good guide can provide you with valuable information about the area you're hiking in, including its history, geology, flora, and fauna. They can also help you identify different plants and animals along the way, and teach you about the natural features you encounter. This can make your hike more educational and engaging, as well as deepen your appreciation for the environment around you.

  3. Personalized experience: When you go on a guided hike, the guide can tailor the experience to your interests and abilities. They can suggest trails that match your fitness level and preferences, and provide you with customized tips and advice on how to make the most of your hike. This can help you achieve your hiking goals, whether you're looking for a challenging workout, a peaceful nature walk, or something in between.

  4. Community: Hiking with a guide and a group can be a great way to meet new people and make connections with like-minded individuals. You can share the experience with others, learn from each other, and enjoy the camaraderie of being in a group. This can make your hike more social and enjoyable, and help you feel a sense of belonging in the outdoors.

Overall, a guided hike can offer you a safe, educational, and personalized experience that can deepen your connection with nature and provide you with memories that will last a lifetime.

green forrest background with floral elements

To Schedule a Session or for more Information

To Schedule a session Today - Click the button below or call us at (928) 862-4400.
We will be happy to assist you.