CranioSacral Therapy: What You Need to Know
CranioSacral Therapy with a Biodynamic Perspective sessions are gentle and non-invasive involving a very light, gentle touch. Your CranioSacral therapist may begin at your feet, your head (cranium) or your sacrum (the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine). Session length can vary from a half hour to an hour or an hour and a half depending on your needs. During this time, the CranioSacral therapist will quietly, gently hold parts of your body, listening to the subtle rhythms and tracking changes in your system. It is important to note that while a single session can have noticeable effects, it may take multiple sessions to achieve the results you are seeking.
During the session, you may:
o Relax so deeply that you fall asleep
o Enter a quiet meditation-like state
o Feel as if you are dreaming while awake
o Experience memories, insights or powerful visions
o Enjoy pleasant senses of warmth, softening, widening, floating or deepening into stillness
You may experience other sensations as the energy that has been held in the body is being released. If this occurs, just stay present with your breath and bodily sensations and allow this energy to move through you. The session quite often involves an unwinding process, as you let go of patterns that inhibit your health and vitality. Once these patterns begin to shift, the therapist may notice changes in your fluids, tissues, bones and potency. You may experience a sense of integration in your body, mind and spirit.
At the end of the session, you may:
o Feel relaxed and energized
o Find yourself breathing more fully and deeply
o Stand straighter and taller
o Feel more comfortable in your body
o Feel a new sense of peace and ease
o Feel a sense of renewal, ready for your life
o Notice an improvement in your sleep patterns
No matter what you experience, your CranioSacral therapist will take some time with you after your session to discuss how you are feeling. This is a great opportunity to reflect on your experience and how differently you feel. Because the effects of your session will continue to integrate, and most likely be felt afterwards, take time in the next two-to-three days to notice how you are in the world. Has the quality of your sleep improved? How is your overall experience of life? By noticing and affirming the post-session improvements, you will come to see the valuable role CranioSacral Therapy can provide you.
By: Laura Schappert, Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapist & Reiki Master Energy Healer
To book your CranioSacral Therapy session at Gateway Cottage Wellness Center, call 928-862-4400.