Intuitive Readings & Shamanic Reiki in Sedona
BakeR Gendron - Psychic Coach
Spiritual Life Coaching • Intuitive Readings • Shamanic Reiki • Trauma Relief Reiki Master
Please Note:
BakeR is very allergic (instant MIGRAINE) to fragrances of any type so PLEASE do not wear perfumes, colognes, oils, etc. She reserves the right to refuse service if you are wearing an overpowering fragrance and you may be charged in full. Thank you for your consideration!
Popularly known as “The Psychic Coach” BakeR is a highly gifted and experienced Intuitive reader, Spiritual healer, coach, and teacher, BakeR’s vision is to empower you to live life fully and joyously! For over 25 years, BakeR has worked both privately and in groups with clients, guiding them to find their inner truths and realize their full potential. Utilizing spiritual and leadership principles, her innate intuitive abilities, and her own life experiences, BakeR connects deeply with her clients. She helps you to identify and remove barriers to your success, happiness, and wellbeing. She facilitates holistic healing by integrating mind, body, and spirit, helping you find the root cause of any ailments.
Through BakeR’s own healing journey, recovering from childhood trauma and abuse, she was inspired to teach others how to heal themselves, and facilitate healthy change. Upon completing 10 intensive years of her own healing, she traveled to Peru to work and study with shamans, Maestro Banco Ayahuasquero – Don Rober Acho Jarama and Maestro Huachumero – Don Howard Choque Chinchay in the Amazon and Andes. Through her work with Ayahuasca - the vine of the spirit, she met Mamacita her spirit guide. She now works with Mamacita and other guides including the Arcturians, the Hathors, the Elohim, Geronimo, and often your own guides and loved ones who have crossed over. As a team, they work together with BakeR as the channel, for your highest and best good, imparting wisdom and guidance.
Exploring the Human Journey with BakeR Gendron
In her role as The Psychic Coach and Spiritual Life Coach, BakeR emphasizes how to stretch, develop, and powerfully transform your thoughts to create and manifest your desired results. Whether you want to increase your abundance consciousness, improve your relationships, achieve clarity regarding a specific issue, or create a new path, BakeR can coach you through the process and help you soar to new heights.
BakeR is especially gifted at facilitating spiritual retreats and classes for people seeking to make major life changes and to connect with their own higher selves. She is a powerful coach for women and people recovering from sexual trauma and other kinds of abuse. Anyone seeking to become more aware of, and more practiced in their own intuitive abilities can benefit from having a session with BakeR.
More about Baker:
BakeR is a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher, Shamanic Reiki teacher, Master Prosperity Teacher, a Fire Walker, a former Licensed Religious Science Practitioner for over 15 years, and a graduate of the SAAR Leadership Academy. She has journeyed with Shamans in Peru, studied with healers and psychics, ministers, and coaches.
BakeR is a licensed minister and performs celebration of life/memorial services, weddings, and sacred unions. She has been published in Science of Mind magazine, was a co-author of “Abundant You” for New Vision Center and is currently working on two books “Raging Princess/Joyous Queen” and “Dance in the Light – Beginners’ Guide to Psychic Development”.
She facilitates workshops such as:
Dance in the Light – 1.0 and 2.0 – Intuitive Development
Shamanic Reiki
Crystal Reiki
Way of the Warrior Woman
Stay Tuned for a new retreat - Transitions - Claiming Your Power in Life’s Transitions!
BakeR has taught various classes and workshops including:
Self Mastery
Principles of Financial Freedom
Roots of Science of Mind
Spiritual Principles
Science of Mind Foundational
Consensus Leadership
Leadership Development for Non-Profits
BakeR is a past Vice President of the Sedona Metaphysical and Spiritual Association, a group of professional practitioners who adhere to a strict code of ethics and professional standards.
An inspirational speaker, BakeR has been a speaker numerous times at New Vision Spiritual Growth Center, All Faiths Church in Arizona, Trinity United Methodist Church in Florida and has spoken to many groups including Rotary, Soroptimists International, National Women’s Political Caucus, and the Internal Revenue Service diversity group.
Her repertoire includes:
“Living in Technicolor”
“Everyday Miracles”
“Finding the Peace”
“Celebrate Diversity”
“The Magic of Mindfulness”
BakeR served on the Board of Directors for New Vision Center for Spiritual Living (formerly New Vision Spiritual Growth Center) in various positions from Youth Liason to Vice President. She was a member of NVC’s vision group for over ten years and served as a teacher in the youth church for over thirteen years. She is fully committed to the principles and teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes and Religious Science.
BakeR resides in Sedona, Arizona with her beloved husband André Gendron who is a student and teacher of “A Course in Miracles”. BakeR follows her passion for working with clients through Psychic Readings, Teaching, Spiritual Life Coaching, Shamanic Reiki and Retreats. Her passion is empowering people!
Past Life Healing
A Past Life Healing with BakeR is an effective and powerful tool to clear any blocks or issues you are having in this lifetime as a result of traumas in a past life. BakeR does a reading with you to find any past life issues then takes you through a Past Life Healing meditation session to clear the issues. Past life trauma creates a cellular memory that is stored in your body. Together you will clear that memory and create a new story—recreating that life experience to cleanse and heal the suffering. Examples of trauma that can be cleared in your Past Life Healing session range from torture and brutal death to family issues. BakeR also provides a generic Past Life Healing meditation on her website that can be used in the future for further healing.
45 Minutes • $133
60 Minutes • $166
Shamanic Reiki
Shamanic Reiki integrates shamanic practices with the potent healing energy of Reiki. Shamanic practices are ancient techniques used to align you with earth’s energy, your higher spirit, spirit guides, and animal totems for transformative healing work. Shamanic Reiki practitioners can see, feel, or hear blocks or negative energy that may limit you from living a full healthy life. The practitioner then uses techniques that can drive out or gently remove these blocks. They may use drumming, crystals, their breath, or they may call on spirit guides to help them. The practitioner will then fill the empty space with healing energy, such as light, color, or sound. Reiki is a practice of channeling energy, laying on hands, or simply working in your aura or energy field to facilitate healing. When we put these two practices together we amplify the healing power of each, allowing deeper healing at all levels of mind, body, and spirit.
60 Minutes • $177
90 Minutes • $255
Spiritual Life Coaching
Spiritual Life Coaching enables you to put Spirit in Action! It helps you determine and implement your life purpose—integrating mind, body, and spirit to maintain balance and create the life you desire. Through asking you thought-provoking questions, BakeR will help you dig deep to uncover any blocks to your success. She will guide you to sense what is the root cause of your issues, whether emotional, physical or spiritual. As you tell her your “story,” she will reflect back to you your thoughts and feelings and offer different perspectives. Together with BakeR you will define your action plan, and she will hold you accountable to your commitments. BakeR will challenge you to stretch and grow in order to accomplish all that you choose.
Spirit/God/the Universe, aligns with you when you are being clear and authentic—when you are expressing your true desires and striving to live in your magnificence. Spirit expects nothing more than for you to speak and live through Love and Live Joyously!
60 Minutes • $166
90 Minutes • $244
Intuitive Readings
As the Psychic Coach, BakeR’s readings are somewhat different from a normal psychic or intuitive, as her psychic abilities are integrated with her coaching abilities and vice versa. Therefore, if you come with a question about when you might meet your next partner, psychic BakeR may receive information about when you will meet your partner, and coach BakeR may have guidance about how to clear blocks to bring in your perfect partner. In essence, you get two for one - the psychic knowledge of the guides and spirits as well as the grounded guidance of the spiritual counselor and life coach.
As BakeR channels her spirit guide Mamacita, who connects with your higher self and guides, she brings through clear, concise guidance and answers to your questions. Mamacita is very direct; be careful what you ask, if you’re not sure if you really want to know the answer you might want to think about your question in a different way.
You are welcome to record the session and do bring your questions or topics you would like to discuss.
30 Minutes • $111
45 Minutes • $133
60 Minutes • $155
90 Minutes • $222
Trauma Relief Reiki
Trauma Relief Reiki combines the best of all my practices, utilizing my shamanic reiki energy healing, my intuitive abilities, and my years of spiritual and emotional counseling. Bringing all my skills and gifts together to work with you empowers you to find your original traumas, your negative core beliefs and the causes of your wounds. Together we will root them out – freeing you to live your life with fire, conviction, and verve!
Using Trauma Relief Reiki to clear cellular memories, wounds, and negative energy I have witnessed clients transform as layers of old trauma are cleansed, fade away and are replaced with joy and delight in life. Often the transformation is quite miraculous!
Clients have responded with comments such as these:
• “That heavy weight on my chest is gone!”
• “The hands I felt around my neck choking me are gone!”
• “Reframing the timeline was incredibly powerful, I feel like a new person.”
When you are too young or unwilling, or don’t have the resources to process a traumatic event it gets stored in your energetic field - your body - as a cellular memory. If you have ever thought about a past traumatic event and felt a negative sensation in your body that is a cellular body memory. It can feel like: “a large lump of hot, sharp brownish-black rock”, “a cold, gooey, sludge-like yellow mass”, “suffocating energy centered around my throat”. These are all cellular body memories that clients have described to me. You may not realize you have stored cellular memories – or you may have been aware for years that something is weighing you down or holding you back. Often a new trauma – a death in your family, a critical car accident, or job loss may trigger the cellular memory and suddenly you are experiencing pain, anxiety, loss of sleep, lethargy and sometimes a general sense of overwhelm. If these cellular memories are not dealt with, they can cause even greater havoc in the form of depression, debilitating anxiety, lack of motivation and ultimately can lead to severe physical or mental illness.
If you can relate to any of these statements, you may have suppressed cellular memories:
• I have felt blocked by some unknown fear that often feels bigger than life.
• I have a fear of driving or flying or anxiety in general.
• I have a fear of being tortured or killed for my work.
• I feel there is always a shadow over me.
• I am often depressed or fearful for no conceivable reason.
As your practitioner I create a safe haven for you – as you uncover the trauma and are ready to release it you may experience – fear, anger, rage, grief, pain and overwhelm. I am right there with you.
You Are Safe. You Are Protected. Your Sovereignty is Honored.
Trauma Relief Reiki - you and I working together along with our guides - releases the cellular memories and empowers you to live FREE!
90 Minutes • $244
120 Minutes • $320
To Schedule a Session or for more Information
To Schedule a session Today - Click the button below or call us at (928) 862-4400.
We will be happy to assist you.