The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity - Catherine Ponder


Imagine sitting in the lap of your favorite grandparent and learning the secrets to a magnificent, abundant life. Catherine Ponder writes in such a loving gentle way. The secrets she reveals are not secrets at all but universal truths for health, love, success and peace. As she explores these dynamic laws of prosperity, she shares actual success stories to help those of us who are uncertain. There is no flowery prose here. Just plenty of practical advice for using Divine power to overcome difficulties and achieve happiness. Everyone can benefit from this book.

THE DYNAMIC LAWS OF PROSPERITY is the result of several financial recessions and many years of lean living. For fifteen years Catherine Ponder tried to find such a book like this with more than just “quick-fix” suggestions. During those years of searching, she found many books which gave various success ideas, but in none of them did she find a set of compact, simple laws for assuring success. As a widow with a small son to raise and educate, she experienced depression, ill health, loneliness, financial lack and a sense of complete failure.

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