Seeking Miracles: A Cautionary Tale of Healing

i.e. Should you trust that Miracle Healer? 


After two years of daily migraines— yes you read that correctly — daily migraines– I wanted a miracle. Often, I front loaded, taking Excedrin Migraine, hoping it would stave off the migraine.  On days when the migraines got worse, I had to take a Naratriptan, a tiny pill that costs $8.00.  A tiny pill that is worth every penny!  Some days nothing worked and I was home in bed. 

Every day I would think, Maybe today, I won’t have to take any meds. Maybe today, I won’t have a headache.  And every day the headache would get bad enough that I would relent and take the drugs. 

In my case it was allergies.  All my adult life I was allergic, mostly to perfumes and colognes, but also cleaning supplies, soaps, lotions, smoke, those plug in air fresheners (whoever invented those should be shot), and almost anything with any kind of scent. Remember the perfumes and colognes of the 80’s and 90’s: Opium, Poison, Obsession, Musk, Brut, Drakkar Noir, Aramis, even the names were toxic!    Once I moved to Sedona it got worse.  Not only scents but the constant barometric changes would kick me in the head.  Plus, in Sedona everyone loves to smudge with sage or palo santo, which cause instant headaches for me! 


I wanted to get up in the morning, see my clients, do my work and make it through my day without a migraine. Believe me I tried all kinds of medical and alternative treatments but so far nothing had worked. 

Then a good friend who researches to the nth degree, who dots the i’s and crosses the t’s, a friend who had gone through not one but three misdiagnoses at a major hospital in Phoenix, found the “Miracle Dr.”  I was on board, this “Doc” not only “cured” my friend, she “cured” her partner too. 

I did a little research myself, but mostly I relied on my friend’s word because she researches to the nth degree, and by the way she had great results!  By the way, I’m not blaming my friend for any of this.  We all wanted a miracle!

Were there red flags?  YES!  Did I see them? Kind of, but then I dismissed them or explained them away.  For instance, the “Doc’s” website was a mess, there were misspellings all over, the strangest being her own name.  I mean, who doesn’t know how to spell their own name?? Pictures of her on the website were all out of focus. 

And there were these other issues:

·      She claims to have a $500K scanning machine that is commonly used in Sweden.  She claims that Sweden mandates that all citizens have this scan 3-4 times a year.   I couldn’t verify either of these claims. In fact, the half million-dollar machine is a common ultrasound machine that you can buy for under $30,000. 

·      She claims to have a PH.d. in Vascular Physics from Karolinska Institute in Sweden, and to have been a professor there.   They have never heard of her.

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·      She claims to have worked at a major cancer hospital in Texas, yet never says the name. Can’t check this out for certain, but M.D. Anderson has never heard of her. 

·      She goes by at least half a dozen different names, which a simple back ground check verified.  She goes by several different aliases!

·      When we eventually went to her office, it was very strange, crocheted afghans on cheesy, chintz sofas – like Gramma’s house in the 50’s. Yet there was a woman from England there for a checkup.

This woman is a very smart scam.  She made us both believers! She claimed there was a blocked vein in the back of my neck, but she couldn’t scan that area.  She suggested ProARgi 9 for both of us, along with a couple of other supplements that would dissolve plaque in the arteries, reset my thyroid, etc.   By the way she doesn’t sell the products because she doesn’t want people to think she’s scamming them. Sweet Jesus!  We went on our merry way, believing we were saved. 

Here’s the interesting part, I also started working with a reflexologist, who had himself been cured of allergies and migraines with reflexology, which is why he decided to study reflexology.  Now many months later, the migraines are gone! 

I do believe the “Doc” has researched products that help people, she is very smart that way.  However, even though I’m not going to stop taking the ProArgi 9 which she recommended, I believe that my allergies/migraines are gone because of the reflexology. 

So why am I coming clean about all this now? Now that over 300 women have claimed he raped or molested them, you have probably heard about John of God, the “miracle healer” in Brazil.

 In the words of one of the women:

“There has been criticism of me,” she told Globo TV. “[People have said], ‘why are you coming out with your story? He’s healing so many people.’

 I know how she feels, because my friend said almost the same words to me.  When I told her what I had found out about The Doc, she said, “but she’s saving lives! She heals people.” And I questioned her, “is she saving lives, or do we want the miracle so badly that we would believe anything? Or did we heal ourselves?”  

If John of God is truly saving lives, should he be condemned for raping women?  Hell YES!  You don’t get to pick and choose your ethics when you claim to be a healer.  Either you are integrous or you’re a sham.  I’ve never been to John of God, but I do know a couple of people who went to him. In both cases they claim to have been healed.  Maybe he can heal people! But he can’t heal some and rape others! That is just NOT okay.  The women I know that went to him were not molested or raped.  However, as almost any survivor of sexual abuse can tell you, victims seem to wear an invisible sign that only perpetrators can see, a sign that says, Easy Target! Perpetrators know who to pick on, they (usually) know who won’t turn them in.  The #MeToo movement has emboldened women to stand for themselves. We will no longer be molested, raped, abused in any way! Women are coming forth in record numbers, no longer afraid to take down the perps.  

The Doc I went to may have helped many people, she may have even saved some lives.  But that does not justify her lies.  Indeed, she could be honest about who she is, suggest good supplements to people, tell them she’s doing an ultrasound, call herself a Medical Intuitive and keep doing the work.    Instead she claims to find cancer before it kills you, even preying on a Women’s Cancer group by giving them discounts on scans.  When I called the group to ask for some pictures and to verify The Doc’s credentials, no one returned my call. 

If YOU want a miracle, I caution you to check out the healer. 

·      Check their credentials. Do they willingly share their credentials?

·      Make sure they are ALWAYS acting in the highest integrity!

·      If you spot a red flag, dig deeper. Have they moved around a lot? Is their website professional? Do they have solid testimonials?

·      If the claims seem too good to be true, they probably are.

·      If they suggest supplements, be sure to check them out, especially if they sell them.

·      If you have any doubts, trust your intuition!

Wishing you complete mental, spiritual and physical wellness always!

Love and light, BakeR

To Learn More about BakeR or to Schedule a Session please feel free to call us at (928) 862-4400


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