The Scott Weaver Series • Part One

Longevity Organ Exercises

Longevity and Organ Exercises Scott Weaver Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

Exercise and Meditation

-Increase Circulation
-Improves Breathing
-Detox's and Strengthens the Internal Organs
-Strengthens Immune System
-Reduces Inflammation
​-Balances Emotions
​-Prevention and Longevity

These exercises are very is to learn, time efficient, time tested and can be safely done by anyone. This is a form of organ detoxification that doesn't require supplements, medications or any equipment. These exercises can be an addition to an existing exercise program or a stand alone practice. They use 6 specialized positions as well as precise physical actions, internal awareness and conscious breathing. The lungs, kidney's, liver, heart, spleen and intestines are the focus of these simple exercises. The longevity organ exercises only take 1 or 2 sessions to learn the full set. They can be tailored to specific problems, body type, times of the day and also tailored to the seasons.

 Internal medicine emphasizes that bodily imbalances affect the mind and mental-emotional stress of the mind produces bodily pathology. These internal practices emphasize internal workouts that are generated from within and then is expressed outwardly. This is achieved by opening and closing movements, that produce a pumping action that literally rings out, internally massages and pressurizes the organs. Like ringing out a wet sponge. These pumping actions are done with relaxed synchronized breathing, internal awareness and mindful movement.

Both health and imbalance have psychological as well as physical origins. There are many reasons why the internal organs malfunction. The speed of modern life are full of of stresses that can disrupt rhythms of the body and mind. From poor quality foods, toxic exposures, a sedentary lifestyle, poor breathing and overestimation through technology.

Think what would happen if you never turned off your car. Eventually the engine would over heat and cause malfunction. When these practices are done on a regular basis, you are giving yourself an internal tune up. Thoughts are the language of the mind and emotions are the language of the body. Our organs and nervous system are intimately connected with our emotions.

Our body registers and records emotions or "feelings" in the form of superficial or deep internal muscular holding patterns. If the body is clogged and stagnant, so is the mind. Every perception, thought, feeling and emotion, whether positive or negative, is a biochemical event that effects the whole system. The body, mind and nervous system require a healthy outlet of emotional charge.

Stress disrupts the equilibrium of the innate intelligence of the body and mind. 80 percent of imbalance is due to stress, which is a fancy word for tension. Releasing tension and creating space within the body also releases tension in the mind. These exercises powerfully connects mind and body.

Each organ has a sac or membrane of connective tissue called fascia that surrounds it. Fascia has many important functions. It regulates temperature, body communication and circulation just to name a few. When open, ideally fascia should release the heat of the organ through the skin. Physical stress, emotional stress or trauma can cause this band of connective tissue to stick to the organ, like an internal straight jacket. When the interior and exterior heat exchange no longer functions properly, that heat can't escape and can exhaust the organ. Just like a car engine overheats. This heat leads to bad circulation and this weakens the internal organs.

These exercises stretch and open the fascia. This releases the excess heat and creates space so the organs can function better. This cools, detox's and cleanses the organs. The excess heat becomes evenly distributed and regulates the internal temperature of the body. These organ exercises also recycle old blood and excess co2 within the organs and connective tissue. The fresh blood and more oxygen within the organs, stimulates a parasympathetic response or "rest and digest response" in the body. This allows emotional/stress release and optimizes the organs function.

This is done by opening and closing movements, that produce a pumping action that literally rings out, internally massages and pressurizes the organs. Like ringing out a wet sponge. These pumping actions are done with relaxed synchronized breathing, internal awareness and mindful movement. These internal exercises are a simple but effective tool for self healing, natural therapeutics and prevention. When done consistently, they promote longevity, vitality and harmony. These exercises can help prevent or balance disharmony in the body.

You can schedule a session to learn how to practice your own longevity and organ exercises here at Gateway Cottage Wellness Center

These sessions can be 60 Minutes - 120 Minutes in length and range in price from $166-$333

Written By: Scott Weaver

If you would like to learn more about Scott or schedule a session with him please call us at (928) 862-4400

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