Holistic Approaches to Mental Health Care

woman in meditation near river in forest


Mental health influences our performance at work or school, how we relate to others in our community, and the decisions we make in life. As such, increasingly more adults are seeking to improve their mental health not only through clinical treatment but also through more holistic and spirituality-focused methods. Holistic support and treatment can range from yoga and meditative activities to complementary medicine like massage therapy and acupuncture.

Moreover, the need to care for the mind isn’t only applicable to individuals diagnosed with mental health disorders. One’s mental health is shaped by a mix of personal and environmental factors. In fact, external forces like social issues affect health not only in terms of mental and physical condition, but also access to care and services. Among the real-time social issues in healthcare is the COVID-19 pandemic that has left many individuals dealing with grief, loss, and isolation.

No matter what your background or current situation is, it’s always beneficial to prioritize your mental health. The journey to mental wellness can take many paths, some of them self-directed. Here at Gateway Cottage Wellness, we also offer various practices that you as an individual can follow in order to care for your mind in a more holistic manner.


Sleep is as natural and essential to our bodies as eating, drinking, and breathing, which is why we must be proactive in ensuring we get sufficient and quality sleep. This means focusing on both the number of hours the body is at rest, and the way our body feels before, during, and after sleep. However, individuals may have trouble sleeping due to mental health concerns or the daily stresses of life. It is thus recommended to adopt sleep hygiene practices, which include lessening one’s screen time, keeping one’s room at the right temperature, and listening to calming music or binaural beats before bedtime.


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The constant stream of thoughts heightens stress and anxiety levels, preventing us from feeling at peace with ourselves. Meditation can quiet your mind by inviting you to slow down your inner thoughts and stopping them mid-sentence until you can be in full control of your thoughts, and not the other way around. You can also silence these thoughts and replace them with more productive words, mantras, and manifestations. Lastly, these mindfulness exercises can be integrated into your daily yoga routine or tai chi sessions to further boost your mental health.


Beyond combining meditation and physical exercise, you can also strengthen the mind-body connection by exploring relaxation techniques. The findings of a research study on various relaxation techniques revealed that progressive muscle relaxation (PMR), deep breathing, and guided imagery can improve relaxation states from relaxed breathing to deep mindfulness and awakening.

In the study, participants who tried out these relaxation techniques felt less stress, tension, and exhaustion after the sessions. They were also able to replace stress and negative emotions with more positive states of core mindfulness, mindful giving, and deep awe and wonder toward life. Although it was not included in the study, aromatherapy can also be a viable relaxation technique, with specific essential oils serving as a natural remedy for stress, anxiety, and sleep problems.

man grounding laying down in a pasyure


Since humans are inherently social beings, staying connected can also be a way to care for your mind. Whether it’s about making new friendships or developing your existing relationships, social connections can psychologically improve your mood, self-esteem, and satisfaction with life. You can choose to foster intimate connections with family and friends; cultivate common interests with coworkers and neighbors; or participate in a community through church groups and volunteer efforts.

While these practices ultimately benefit your mind and overall well-being, holistic care must still take into account an individual’s unique needs and goals. At Gateway Cottage Wellness Center a holistic Sedona Spa, we work towards empowering our clients to achieve soundness of mind, body, and spirit with the help of supportive and healing practitioners.

Written By: Camille Alisha


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