Energy Clearing - How to Protect Yourself From Negativity
How to Spiritually Clear & Shield
We are energetic beings in a very energetic world. Everything around us and what makes up our bodies are atoms that are constantly in motion. We are surrounded by energy that is also not perceivable to the eye, some call it Universal Life Force, some call it vibes, but however you slice it, we as humans are able to pick up on nonverbal cues and know what the frequency of a positive emotional state is versus a negative one. The question is, how do we shield ourselves from others’ bad vibes? How do we clear ourselves of negative energy and energy that is not ours?
Energy Clearing
There are so many different ways to clear our space and ourselves, but here are a few easy and effective methods!
Smudging by burning sage and other sacred herbs has been done by indigenous people for thousands of years, and modern research is now catching up to the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of doing so.
All you need for this is a fire safe bowl or abalone shell for your sage to rest in, sage/herb bundle of your choice, and a lighter. Make sure a door is open or a window to let excess smoke outside. Set your intentions, and say a clearing statement in each corner of the space, such as “Only beings that exist in the highest order of light may stand before me” or any sort of clearing prayer/mantra you wish.
To sage yourself, hold the burning sage out in front of you, being mindful of embers. Work your way from your head down to your feet, and repeat the same process for your back. This might be easiest with someone else available to make sure your entire back is clear. Hold the intention that the smoke is clearing your body and your energetic field, and say a clearing statement or mantra if you wish.
When you are finished saging, be sure to extinguish it by putting it out with the bowl/shell you are using, with sand, or a little bit of water.
Different herbs add different properties to the energy of a space as well, so it might be helpful to cleanse your space with other herbs or to burn something else after you sage. Sage is like energetic bleach that gets rid of everything, so burning incense, palo santo, or other herbs afterwards to add calming, positivity, etc. to your space. I recommend it, but it is not required.
Sound waves are perfect for breaking up and clearing negative and/or stagnant energy. It’s easier than you think! There are so many different ways to sound cleanse your home and yourself.
If you’re happy and you know it… clear your space! Clap your hands in the corners or in places that feel stagnant and dense energetically to clear them out. Clapping also helps move stuck energy out of your auric field, allowing energy to flow more effectively and create resonant harmony around you.
Singing, humming, and toning are also helpful ways to clear a space and your chakras energetically. Certain mantras and tones are designated for the chakras according to ancient Hindu practices. By repeating these tones, we balance and clear each energy center in the body, ensuring that it is working properly and is maintained in a healthy manner. Our voices are also magnificent at clearing spaces. You’ve probably been clearing places without ever consciously knowing! We are so powerful, that our voice mixed with our prana, the breath, can command the space and dissolve dense and negative frequencies. Next time you feel a heavy, stagnant place, sing, hum, or tone it out! Our voice is such a fun and useful tool!
Certain instruments, such as tuning forks, singing bowls, tingshas, drums, and rattles help us to clear frequencies in and around the body and a space of everything that is of lower vibration. Take the instrument of your choice to each corner of each room of the space, holding the intention of clearing it and filling each room with positivity or whatever you’d like to take the place of negative energy in the space.
Make it loud and meaningful! Play clearing music on your phone, through speakers, or however works best for you! You can use 417 Hz Solfeggio frequencies Tibetan clearing music with sound bowls, or whatever you can find that resonates with you.
We use water to cleanse us physically, why don’t we use it metaphysically too? In the shower or bath, we can focus our intention on clearing the mind, body, and spirit while physically cleaning ourselves, and visualizing all of the energetic debris we’ve picked up swirling down the drain.
Crystals like selenite and clear quartz are beneficial to cleanse and purify the energy in and around your body as well as your home. Selenite specifically is self cleansing and self charging, and cleanses and charges everything on and around it. Quartz is a purifier, amplifier of energy, master healer, and can be easily programmed with a specific intention from you (i.e cleansing, protection, positivity, etc.).
Energy Shielding
Shielding is a way to protect your energy from other people, energies, and consciousness bumping up against you that may impact you and/or your energy in a negative way. You can ask your spirit guides, angels, the Archangels, your higher self, God/Source/Spirit to put a protective layer of light around you.
There are so many ways to shield, and the only limitation is your imagination! You can visualize and ask your spirit guides, angels, and/or higher selves to help cocoon you in a bubble of light to act as a protective barrier. You can make this light different colors, use different elements (i.e. fire or water) to create your shields, call in different archangels such as Archangel Michael and ask for angelic armor, visualize a cloak for yourself to shield and hide yourself from dark or negative forces; it’s really up to you and what you want to work with! I personally say “Shields Up” four times before I go somewhere, especially if I know there’s a lot of people there. If you need extra protection, say “Shields on Full” four times followed by “Nothing gets in” four times while I am picturing light surrounding you. You can also shield your car while you drive, your home, other people, and objects this way as well.
All of these practices are intended to keep yourself and your space clear, clean, and protected to keep you feeling energized, balanced, and harmonious. Use whichever of these techniques resonates and what is easiest and works best for you. You can do these everyday, once a week, or even multiple times per day if needed. You are the creator of your reality, so feel free to create your own methods and intentions for energetically and spiritually cleansing, purifying, and shielding! I hope you play with these concepts, and develop a clearing and shielding practice that benefits you!
Written By: Gateway Cottage Wellness Center a Top Sedona Spa.